Anna and Anna

I recently noticed online

You noticed what online

A question

What was the question Anna

Which literary character would you like to be trapped in a lift with and why?

What was your answer

I did not answer it straight away as it was obvious that if the character had existed before 1880 then they would have been shitting bricks at the very thought of being in a lift at all

So that eliminates many of my favourite characters

Then who taking this into account did you settle on


Why Outlaw

Because for the lack of knowing better he is the nearest we have to a creator

I would have asked him why he created us and why

Or did he create us in the first instance

Is Outlaw a pen name as I think it is

Also are we as fictional characters immortal as we were not in theory created by God

There are many questions that I would ask of Outlaw

And you

That is easy

I would like to be trapped in a lift with Anna

With me

Yes with you

As you are my fictional companion and are totally familiar with the way lifts work and why they were invented in the first place



