Adeline & Paraguay

Dearest Adeline 

I trust that you are well 

The happy news is that I am at last on the move and hope to be in the UK in about ten days 

It has been a hard season at the base and as you are aware we were cut off on a couple of occasions 

One gets to know oneself very well and I passed the time reading and writing poetry 

I even I believe understand The Wasteland now and have Eliot’s book in my pocket as I write 

As requested I have purchased the two CDs you asked for after a little difficulty as my languages are poor

The Circle is Pink came from a record shop in Buenos Aires and I purchased Rarely Infected Toys this morning here in New York

I will be in the Big Apple until Thursday as I am giving a presentation on Wednesday 

It is likely that there will be in excess of three hundred people there so I better have a shave 

I am booked in to go to Boston and from there I will travel back to London 

There is no need to meet me at the airport as I will make my own way back the Garden of England 

Just put the kettle on as I think a strong coffee will be in order after all those miles 

I will send you postcards every day and if you are good will find you an old book of the Beats

It is now Day 11 minus 1 – do keep safe and remember to water the plants 


Paraguay in Transit x