FLASH FICTION – a story set in China (it is exactly 1000 words long)

The Red Apricot

Li watched as a discarded cigarette carton floated past her high in the stream at the bottom of her garden

As normal her husband was away

His diary noted that he was at another party conference but she knew that he was probably entertaining another woman

She had found messages on his phone and revealing photographs on his computer

The apricot tree was leaning over the old stone wall that separated her house from the street below

At the height of its season it would drop fruit which was greedily stolen by the poor children of the town

This did not bother Li as she felt a sorrow for the wretched urchins that hung around the busy streets begging for alms

Occasionally she would spot a handsome young man and for a moment in her thoughts would hold him in her arms

How she needed a lover

But all the men she came into contact with only wanted to exploit her

They wanted to meet her husband

She looked at the cigarette carton again which was fast disappearing from view

How she envied its freedom


The day was hot and Li decided to bathe

It was as she dried herself that she saw a young man probably no older than a student in the garden of their near neighbours

He was trimming the borders of a path with a pair of shears

As she watched his graceful cat like movements she realised that the young man had spotted her

She smiled faintly and withdrew from the window


A week later Li was again in the garden

She was smoking a Russian cigarette and looking at her bare feet

It was she was contemplating her long toes that she again became aware that she was being watched

It was the young man

He was holding a large net which he was using to retrieve the debris that was clogging the stream which by its geography ran through both gardens

What are you doing?

I am collecting rubbish from this stream

An interesting occupation


Would you please remove your shirt


Because I prefer to see you working without a shirt

When I spotted you from my wet room window you were not wearing a shirt 

The young man pulled his flimsy cotton shirt from his broad shoulders and hung it casually from a nearby branch



Are you alone?

Yes my husband is away

He is always away

Do you not get bored?


I can work for you as well as the Chens if you wish


Their garden needs little maintenance

I already employ boys to look after my garden

Indeed I am expecting one this afternoon


But I would be glad if you shook the branches of the apricot tree so the fruit falls into the street as I feel so worried for the poor children

I will be free quite soon

Then please enter my garden by the small gate which is to your left

It will save you crossing the stream


As she washed at her decorated enamel sink Li watched the young man as he shook the branches of the apricot tree

The ripe fruits fell with ease and were soon collected by the desperate children

She knew that the young man could not see her at the wet room window as he had done before

But he knew that she was there


I suppose that you think I am a spider luring you into my bed

No when I saw you bathing I knew that you were not just another bored wife

You are different

Am I?


Please explain

When I first spotted you at the window I knew that you were unaware of me

I watched you as you delicately washed your arms and your shoulders and your beautiful breasts

When you spotted my gaze you made no attempt to cover yourself

You watched me for a while and withdrew slowly

I knew that you were different

What would you do if my husband walked through that door and caught us naked on this bed?

I do not know

My husband has many lovers

But he does not touch me

Once we were passionate

But her grew bored of me and wanted other women

I am also tired of my husband as he is a corrupt man

What would you do if my husband walked through that door and caught us naked on this bed?

You have not answered my question

I would slay him for treating you so badly

How would you kill him?

With my bare hands

That would be brutal and you would be punished by the authorities

You would not see or touch my milk white body again

 Thoughts of it would torment you in your cell in the hours leading up to your execution

Li stood up and walked towards her ornate wardrobe

She probed a pocket on an elegant suit and pulled out a small brown bottle

What is that?


What poison

A very clever poison

It kills without trace

It is a mask


A very clever poison

If I gave it to you now then within an hour you would be dead

But your autopsy would show no trace of its invasion

It would be supposed that you died of a trauma of the heart

And that would be that

Do you want me to kill your husband?


With the poison?

With the poison

Do you remember the small request I made before you became my lover

Yes you asked me to retain a few of the apricots that I was shaking from the tree

My husband adores apricots and grows angry when I distribute them to the street children

You want me to poison an apricot?


Behind me is a hypodermic needle

I want you to inject poison into these apricots

That is your task nothing more

I want you to kill my husband