My Friend from Bosnia

My friend from Bosnia is visiting me this summer

His skin is Blue due to an industrial accident he suffered

He is in love with my ginger sister who he calls Red

Even though her name is Pauline and she is in fact blonde

We live together in a lovely little house in Green Park

Having previously lived in Wood Green Turnham Green and Greenford

Pauline likes Blue although my happiest colour is Red Skinny Red

Paul does not have an opinion so therefore does not have a favourite colour

he is our neighbours dog who we are looking after whilst they are in prison

Paul is an obedient dog who understands the process of law but does not really

understand why his owners are serving full life sentences for writing about Kanada

Pauline and I are currently at the airport awaiting my friends arrival his plane

is an hour late so we are passing the time by listening to Pink and Simply Red

on our headphones which were generously donated by the airline in lieu of refreshments

The Wizard of Oz is playing on the arrivals and departure board it contains my favourite song

Follow the Yellow Brick Road Follow the Yellow Brick Road I was once married to Judy Garland

but she died before I was born which presented a difficulty as I had an accident when living

in Bosnia which turned my skin Blue and it is known that Judy’s favourite colour was Yellow