Travelling with Novalis

to romanticise the world is to make us aware 

of the magic mystery and wonder of the world 

it is to educate the senses to see the ordinary 

as extraordinary the familiar as strange 

the mundane as sacred the finite as infinite


Who said that


Never heard of him or her

He was a German poet

Novalis was his pen name

His birth name was Georg Philipp Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg

I can see why he changed it

Died young I suppose

Yes he only lived to twenty-eight

Died of TB I suppose they all died of TB

Have you read his poetry

I cannot say I have

Those romantics leave me cold

All these poncy worlds and deep thoughts

Try thinking about those when you are commuting

That is the real world there is nothing romantic about travel

Travel is one of the most romantic pastimes

It is moving theatre different each day

At seven in the morning you cannot see fuck all

There is still a beauty the beauty of the dawn

I will be through my first coffee by then

I often read Novalis when I am travelling

His work is so soothing as he finds beauty in everything

I will tell you what my friend here is my book of Novalis poems

Read them on the train and I know that it is different from The Sun

But I promise you that by the time you reach London that you will be a happy man

I will take your wretched newspaper in exchange and read it from cover to cover

It might not take me long but I will understand your head space your orbit if you please


Anna what are you doing

Outlaw asked me to write a fiction

Which he will pass off as his own

If it makes money then I will receive the proceeds

Outlaw is poor you know he is struggling

He is struggling my arse

Have you ever visited his house


It is not far from here and has fabulous sea views

Are they better than ours

Yes he has a wide view due to his location

Then why do we meet in dreadful cafes

It is all image he likes to feel that he is a man of the people

Is he

Like fuck he is he despises them all for their stupidity

Anna my love you will have to get used to it

That Outlaw is a piece of shit

A nice piece of shit

But a piece of shit nonetheless

He created us

I know

Are you not scared that he might let us fade

He is not like that as once he creates characters

Outlaw forms an emotional attachment to them

Think of Viola and all the dreadful things that happen to her

But she always returns

So we are safe

Yes we are

Remember Crete

Yes I had a lovely time

Well why would he have taken us to Crete

If he was going to get rid of us

Do you think he will like my fiction

I think he will as you were satirical

About the stupidity of the working classes

Outlaw likes that kind of humour

I think that we are both good for a few more fictions Anna



Anna & Anna