The last photograph I remember of him

Was taken not far from Dover in the June of 2022

He was wearing a light green shirt

With a darker green vest underneath

As normal he was wearing his aviator shades

The army jeep that was in the photograph

Belonged to a friend who was dining with us

Little did I know that only a few days later

He would go to war as he had a passion for war

Everything was black and white to him

There were bad guys and good guys

Bad countries and good countries

The bad guys died and the good guys survived

But he had a less defined side which I liked

He once was due to execute an enemy soldier

But refused as the poor man was reading Gogol

Whereas he had a bloody appetite in battle

And took few prisoners if any

He notes that if he was ever killed

That he should be buried face down

So that he might listen to the anger of the world

As he knew that God was terribly cross with him

My husband never tells me when intends to return

He just shows up unannounced at the sea facing door

Usually looking tired and in need of a fine meal

And then he retires to his study to write poetry

I have asked him to cease going to war

As one day his luck will abandon him

He promises that it will be a war and a day

Whatever that means his answer is deliberate

He is my hero my soulmate and my friend

But there are parts of him that are mysterious

These I choose not to explore for fear of the exposure



GI Jane