Poems written before and after a trip to Avebury

A Gift of Windsor

The adored couple stood still on the Long Walk

Tall and handsome

 He was looking over his fiancée’s slender shoulders

At the budding blossom trees

She in her delicate way was quietly watching

The Butterflies with the Golden Wings

As they studied their brilliant reflections

In the mirrors of the late morning dew   

White Mists

The white mists have cleared

Your sun now caresses the quiet valley

Pheasants guard their brittle eggs

And dream of our summer days


The Ramsbury Ghost Trees

When passing the Ramsbury Ghost Trees

I am always quite stunned

By the paleness of their tender limbs

Only Heaven is aware of this madness


Avebury on a Spring Day

Never cast a clout

Until May is out

Or so the old saying goes

But what luxury it is to walk across ones courtyard

Without the need for shoes

Or winter garments

Amerikan Gothik was running her fingers through the delicate pink blossom of the only tree

Through the pastel petals she could see the proud stones

High in the sheep meadows

Gaspar Becerra was sketching his fiancée in light charcoal

In the morning light the artist
Pondered over his secret shame
Brutal weary and disheartened
Still he mused and dreamt of fame  

He requested that she keep still

Be still my love nobody or nobody will purchase my daubing’s

How may I keep keep still on this day full of beauty?

Spring has arrived

See we have visitors in the field

What do you think they make of us?

I do not think they really care

They have come to visit the stones

Not to spy on an artist and his muse

But I am drowning in this pastel tree

Will they not rescue me?

One should not be rescued from beauty

That is a well-known fact

They have no interest in us

Amerikan Gothik climbed over the low case wall and walked towards the nearest stone

She hugged it and ran her light hand over its weathered surface

See I am awakening it from its winters sleep  

I will hold it in my arms for a few moments more

And I shall sketch you loving the piebald stone

Spring has arrived and is here to stay
That is my wish until the end of May