Klara and the Sun

What have you got there Angel a

It is a paperback book

I can see that

Where did you get it

A chap on the train gave it to me

Was he coming on to you

No he was not even looking up my skirt

Are you sure

Yes there are some decent men about

So a strange man gave you a book on a train

Did you not find that strange


Did he speak to you


What did he say

He said that he thought I looked like Shakespeare’s Dark Lady

But you are blond collar and cuffs and you are mine

Were you not scared

Not a bit

Jasmine what would you have done

I would have told him to fuck off

But he had a kind face

What do you mean a kind face

It was a happy face a trusting face

Most psycho’s have

Anyway he was travelling with what appeared to be his wife

I bet she was totally chuffed at his behaviour

She was reading

What was she reading

Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro

What was the title of the book that he gifted to you

Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro

Did you not find that weird


That the chap gave you a book that was identical to the one that his wife/girlfriend/sister/hostage was reading

He said that that I also reminded him of Klara

So apart from the the Dark Lady you are also an AF


Artificial Friend he said you were a fucking robot

I always thought Artificial Friends were our vibrators

They are

So if I popped into a book shop and read the blurb about this book then it would not be about a girl and her vibrators but about a girl and her robots

There was no girl

I am confused

That is because one you never go into bookshops and two you have never read a book in your life

You live on the internet

And you read I suppose

At least a book a month

I have never seen you reading

That is because you are too busy lusting after me

I often read when you are asleep

Or when I am around Anna and Anna’s

But going back to the man on the train did he apart from saying that you resembled his Dark Lady and a robot say anything else

No he got off the train soon afterwards

But there was one strange thing

What was that

It was minor but I did notice it


It was as they were standing on the platform

He was fiddling with his bag probably to retrieve his ticket


Well it was the girl that he was travelling with

What about her

Well she seemed to be without emotion

Really do explain

It was minor really

The train had been previously delayed because some ex sheep had strayed on to the line but for some reason either the station announcer or a chap in the cabin were making sheep sounds to lighten the mood

Baa baa baa

This amused all those who were on the platform but the woman just looked at the speaker without emotion

Perhaps she did not speak English

She did as I heard them chatting during my journey

The girl had a full understanding of English

Maybe she just did not find it funny


What happened then

They just left the station and that was the last I saw of them

Where is your book

Over there it has a red cover and a matching bookmark

You can have it

I have already red it

Did you like it

It was an excellent read

If it taught me one thing it taught me that there is more to life than meets the eye