A Gentle Creature

Dearest Anna

I must say that I am missing you so dreadfully but there are times that even sisters have to be parted and this is one

How is your Daddy and so far away from home you must feel like a lost child there in Tangier

Are there any plans to bring your father home or are they waiting to see the extent of his injuries

I just feel so sorry for you and your lovely family but as you say it could have been worse


News from Home

Penelope arrived on Wednesday having been met at the airport by Jasmine and Lima (fuck knows where Outlaw is)

We had a welcome supper at The Green House and she took my breath away as she is so beautiful and is more fair in complexion than most Spanish girls

She almost glides when she moves and has the most soulful blue eyes

In a way she reminds me of the Dostoyevsky character

Apart from the fundamental please and thank you she speaks little or no English and is so so quiet even when Jasmine and Lima are around

The strange thing however was that a small slip of paper fell from a book that she brought with her which I have since translated (I am so nosey so please forgive me) possible not very well but with the help of your book

It reads and again forgive me if the translation is rough


I have had many pets during my time here in my beloved Spain

It is a great pleasure having cats and dogs rabbits and goats

Sadly they live only short lives and I see them both enter and leave the world

It is only natural that I am upset but I secretly enjoy watching them die

When driving I am not upset if I find a stricken creature at the side of the road

I just feel that they died because of their natural stupidity and that only the strong must survive


Really I am not sure what this is as it might just be a piece of creative writing and was not written to be taken too seriously but Penelope I must admit has some rather strange habits as she sits on our beach furniture just staring at the sea for hours on end and then although she speaks little or no English she disappears into town and only returns much later
The was another incident this morning when I was taking my morning bath
In short I had been in my bath for only a few minutes when Penelope walked into the wet room totally naked and climbed into the bath with me
Nothing happened believe me as if the first move was to be made I might have sinned but as you know I am betrothed to you and you only
Penelope is just so beautiful she is just faultless but she remains so quiet as apart from an odd smile she does not communicate at all
I waited for her to leave the house and then I tried to contact Outlaw as I thought this was his doing as it is male gaze male gaze male gaze
You are certainly not writing this fiction as your Daddy is ill and I am not writing it so it must be Outlaw as all this soft focus stuff is the core of male wet dreams
I am so fucking angry with him
Your father has been injured in a serious car crash and you are a million miles from me (how I want to hold you in my arms) and I do not know when you will be able to return
This fiction could have been written by a misogynist you know
Outlaw I know is a grade one piece of shit but he likes women and is never cruel to them
Maybe dear Anna I am being a dappy head again and am reading too much into a situation
Girls share baths
Girls write
Girls are seriously beautiful
I am sorry if this is all about me me me but as you know I share everything with you
If you are feeling really alone I can fly out to see you as that is not impossible
Jasmine will I know make sure that Penelope is okay in The Green House
It is not impossible at all as there are never problems only answers as you always say
Just mail or text me and I will be on the next plane my love
I would ask you a favour though
That is if Outlaw contacts you that you tell him that I am really fucked off with him
Enough of me and my silly moods
Tell your Daddy that he will be well again soon and that he is welcome to stay with us next to the sea when he is better
Do not be too lonely Anna do try to get out and explore Tangier as I am told that it is a fascinating place
All is well here and we are having a short rest from the heat the sea is as beautiful as it normally is and our beloved France can be seen on most days.
Print this mail off and sleep with it under you pillow as I will when I receive your reply
Missing you so much
Your Anna x
ps – sorry I appear to have fucked up the spacing again – one day I will get it right