An Offensive Poem

In the early days 

I used to write music 

On the naked backs 

Of my girlfriends 

These pieces were very very 


As they were all dwarves 


This is an offensive poem Outlaw

Do I give a fuck Anna

You should give a fuck Outlaw


Because dwarves has feelings

So do lobsters but we still eat them

Do we care about their feelings

I prefer lobsters to dogs

That is not the point Outlaw

You are a hurtful fuck

A hurtful fuck is what you are Dry Anna

You should know that


In your dreams I would rather fuck all my dwarf girlfriends

Which believe me was hard as I am over six foot tall

I kept dropping them which was not that fair so I decided

To become a musician and a poet and fuck women over 5/6 inches tall

It cuts down your choice but hey ho fuck hey ho

Have you fucked a man lately Anna

Mind your own business

It is my business Anna

Go fuck a nun Outlaw

I have and I can thoroughly recommend it

So angelic so clean even cleaner than your lovely Anna

I hope you drown during your morning swim you cunt

That is not likely to happen as I have had a swimming pool installed

Seventy laps before breakfast roughly a kilometre and a half

There will not be an ounce of fat on me unlike you Anna

I am not fat Outlaw you undress me enough

Not now but it will happen as you get older

Fuck off Outlaw you are just trying to hurt me

Anna will love me no matter no matter my size

But will she fancy you

How often does she visit the valley

What was she doing when you were in Tangier

Fucking Penelope I would think

Outlaw you are trying to make me cry but I am a hard bitch and you know that

You only created Anna and I as you like to watch gay girls together

Anna can I remind you that all I need to do is depress the delete key and you will cease to exist

Lost lost in an eternal oblivion my dear


Yes Anna

Are you going to apologise to me

Far from it

Do you remember the pizzas that I popped around yesterday

Yes they were quite nice but a little bitter

That was because I poisoned them

Poisoned them

Yes Outlaw a slow but deadly poison

Fuck Off Anna you do not have the brains

I do as I have read about the uses of poisonous plants

You are joking

No I am the serious one remember

Then I will dial 999

It is too late for that


You are right for once

I have all your folders on the screen and I intend to delete you now you bitch

I would not do that Outlaw as I have an antidote right here in front of me

If you delete me then the antidote will vanish with me

OK you win

Will you give the antidote to Penelope

She is not here

The other Anna

She is not here

I want you to come to The Green House and kneel on the welcome mat and apologise to me – tears might help

How do I that this antidote will work

It will

And it will again and again and again

What do you mean

It is simple the antidote will contain this poisoning but K is in your blood and it will remain there for a considerable time

How long

Will ten years do you

You are full of shit Anna

Am I do you have peppery taste in your mouth


That is the taste of the poison Out;aw

Aee your workds are beginning to fail you

Whay muusu I do

Delete that fuckinng poem OOurtlaw

Y ru so offended Anna

May I write Outlaw


See it is no funny is it

You shit on everything around yoy

PKease let me Write


As I said you shit on everyything

Rake you fingerrs of off the key Outlaw

Good boy that is better

I will be a nice bitch today and pop the first tube of the antidote up in a few minutes

I will leave it next to your train set you dad bastard

This will inhibit the poison for a while

And then

That depends on your behaviour

I ask again why did that silly poem offend you

That is easy

Do you remember Vivian

Yes she was your crippled lover


But she was not a cripple but a dwarf and as she is no longer with us the best fuck I have ever had

Even better than Anna

No she was different

I am always in the shadow of Anna’s outstanding intellect

But Vivian was a blank canvas and that is why I miss her

Does Anna know about this


What is her take

You know Anna does not have a bad word for anyone

Outlaw as I walk towards your house with the antidote you will do three things

Firstly you will delete the offensive poem and secondly promise never to threaten me with oblivion

And thirdly you will add an apology to this website

Choose your own words

Hurry up Anna I beginning to feel chilled

Well then close the window you fucking idiot




Anna you are such a bitch

Cool loyal and loving Anna

I love this fiction so much I could hug you

You are so clever my darling

I do love you

He bought the pizza shit so easily

And will drink this piss and mint mix for as long as we want him to