Aloysius Bertrand

Did you enjoy your swim Anna

Yes although it was a bit choppy

What are you doing

Asking you a question about your recent activity

No what is the book that you are reading

The Penguin Book of French Verse

I did not know that they wrote books for penguins


Do you understand French poetry

Most of the time

In the original language

Most of the time

But I struggle with French poetry when it is dark

Why is that Anna

Because I cannot see the words

Then you should switch the light on

There are no lights apart from the moon on the beach

And she is quite fickle at times


Is french poetry difficult to read



It is difficult to read if you do not speak French


Really a person who is approaching French poetry for the first time

Will soon discover an impression of strangeness



Well if you know Chaucer then you will understand Guillaume de Machaut or maybe Deschamps

Ronsard is very like Sidney

But it was the purification and abstraction of language that took place in the seventeenth century that changed things

French poetry became more rigid and classical in its structure


Wow Anna you certainly know your subject

I know fuck all

Then where did your commentary come from

This book it is in the introduction


I never said that I was an expert


Have you ever heard of Aloysius Bertrand

No should I have heard of him

He died of TB before he was thirty-five

What is so special about him

Not much but he wrote some of the strangest prose poems ever written

What was it called

Gaspard de la nuit

The collection was collected under that title

Did he have a muse

Sort of

What was her name

No name was ever recorded

She is a ghost of history

But in 1828 he appears to gave been in love with an anonymous girl who is thought to have died young

Traces of her existence can be found throughout Louis’s entire works


Yes he was for some reason known as Louis

I know that Isidore Ducasse was known as the Comte De La Lautreamont

Outlaw told me that

But I did not know that

It appears to be a shortening that’s all

I wish I was a poet

So do I

They are such strange creatures

Outlaw certainly is

(Both Laugh) 

Outlaw is a great poet but he knows how good he is

This makes him arrogant and insufferable

I wonder what he sees as his world  it is far removed from Anna and Anna

I feel that he is troubled

That is why he can be such a shit

What do you think of his poetry

It can be quite oblique and is often very experimental

But he always surprises

Do you have a favourite poem


What is it

The Zennor Mermaid

That is one he wrote over ten years ago

I Know

Mine if I have one is Sea which was written I believe in 2014

It is just perfect

Do you think we should be kinder to Outlaw



Because he is unkind to us

But he is a great poet

(Outlaw are you writing this)

(I have written the whole thing Anna)

(Why do you always haunt us)

(You are something of a voyeur Outlaw)

(I just like listening in Anna)

(Will you leave us alone now)


(Thank You)

(I am having dinner with Jasmine Tea and Lima you are welcome to come along)

(Is Penelope home)


(Will you come then)

Anna would you like to go to Outlaw’s for dinner

That would be fun

(Then be at my place at 0730 for 0800 as I have the food coming in from outside)


(Come as you are and I might chat poetry to you both and give you tips)

(I cannot wait)

(I might even read some of my poetry to you)

(I am trembling with excitement Outlaw)


(Have you ever heard of Aloysius Bertrand)

(No should I have done)