the return





I have been up all night

You silly girl

Things will work out

No I have been working on a mathematical problem

Whatever for

Viola do you notice something

Yes there are no time pulses

Six is a perfect number but what if prefect numbers did not technically exist

What if one was a perfect number

That is impossible

Yes but suppose it was a possibility

perfect number, a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors. The smallest perfect number is 6, which is the sum of 1, 2, and 3. Other perfect numbers are 28, 496, and 8,128. The discovery of such numbers is lost in prehistory.

Have you got that Viola

Very clearly

It is a standard understanding as found anywhere

I looked at it and then it struck me

Explain Anna

The discovery of such numbers is lost in prehistory that is what interested me

Lost in prehistory

That is where you are at present

I am lost but no calculations are present Anna

When was the last time you were actually stable in time and space

It has been many years

Blue Anchor nearly killed me and apart from the odd pulse I have been disembodied ever since

I think I have the answer

And it was so simple that I almost wept

The reason that you are trapped in time is that Outlaw did not create you and he has other characters in these fictions

I never knew my father

You do not have a father

Or a mother for that matter

You have always been around

You existed in prehistory

You are the unknown perfect number

I can see where you are going

But do you have the key Anna

I am nearly there

I do not know what to say to you

I feel like I have known you forever

You have

I am Viola Gresham

So you are saying that I am you but what of Anna

Anna is a creation of Outlaw


Do you know what I did this morning


I kissed Outlaw

We walked on the cliffs

And I kissed him

What happened


I asked him to jump onto the rocks below

Which he did

But it did not kill him

As he reversed time and was standing next to me in an instant

I think I know where you are going

Outlaw is as trapped in time as you are

And this is how I planned your return

It was quite simple just like two bricks one left and one right

When I look at these bricks then I will not really care to rearrange them

It is not important

But that was the key

Outlaw was the brick on the right hand side and you the left

I just rearranged the bricks

But there was one problem as this would instantly return you to the present here to The Green House

But as I am you

I can see what you are saying Anna

We cannot both exist in the same space

That is impossible

In theory you are in a waiting room

Your train is due but I have to become Anna again

But without Outlaw this will be almost impossible

As he created me

Where is Outlaw

In a waiting room just like you

Have you solved the problem

I hope I have as it is very complex but simple at the same time

I will only have one chance and if I am wrong you will return I assure you that but this Anna will no longer exist

Then think of yourself Anna

I am you Viola

In a few minutes I am going to sit by the sentinel as that apart from being of help to ships passing is also the centre of known time

You are trapped just above it

What can you see

The sunrise over the sea

A beautiful hinterland with a row of houses

Can you see The Green House


Then close your eyes and hold tight Viola

Without being rude please do not question me






It is so nice to be back as I have missed normality so much

I am glad to be back also

Then I am a lucky girl

As you are both back with me


Where is Outlaw

In Spain

He is


Trapped in time and is now a woman

He is called Spain

He is called Penelope

He is called Jasmine Tea

He is called Lima

He is called Angel a

He is Saul Green


Outlaw was like the fallen angel a random perfect number which was not perfect

He destroyed himself and is now in a cell of his own creation with all of his fictional characters with the exception of Anna and Anna


Any future fictions will be written by either Anna or myself


More tea

I am so glad you are back Anna

I hated Spain

She was a complete butch bitch


Viola please you can stay as long as you like

Obviously Penelope’s room is free

You will want to catch up with your life

Yes so many years have passed

All in a few seconds

Your friends will think you have been to the shops


Anna what are we going to do with Outlaw’s house


Outlaw did not own a nice house


It was only what we thought we saw


If you look up then only a meadow exists


There has always been a meadow there


Viola if you notice I am not spacing this fiction
It is so easy


Now that you have returned the distortions of time and space have become normal again



Is that the Sentinel there


It appears to have a scorch mark on it

It has

Even I make the odd error

That is unlikely Anna

I do as I missed a digit

That was why the Sentinel was scorched

Will it fade


But I will always see it as a reminder that although I seem to be brighter than the average bear I am not

I am just a fictional character

I make many mistakes

That is a major flaw in fictional characters


Finished now I have just finished this fiction

I love it Anna

It is so nice to have you both back

Shall we walk and take in the beauty of this timeless beach



He is called Spain 

He is called Penelope 

He is called Jasmine Tea 

He is called Lima 

He is called Angel a 

He is Saul Green