Oakworth Railway Station

There are those who would kill 

The romance of the railways 

But they are in a minority 

As romance never dies 


That is rather cliched if you ask me

Maybe but it works within

Do you remember our trip

On the Keighley and Worth Railway

Clearly as it was a wonderful day


What was your favourite station Jane

I liked all of the stations

Keighley perhaps as it was so very original

I adored the subway and enclosed crossing

It was almost as if Alec and Laura were waiting there


Oakworth Station has links to the cinema also

As The Railway Children was filmed there

Once in 1970 and then again in the last couple of years

The station has changed little and retains many original features

Including the men’s toilet which has no overall roof


It is open to the elements and is washed clean

Whenever it rains which is quite often

I have always considered the Victorian’s brilliant

As they never really complicated things

And this ancient rest is proof of this


What do you think of it

So so

What do you mean by so so

So so

Do you not like it Jane

Yes I liked it a great deal

Although it is predictable

Writing about the romance of railways

Is not an edgy occupation

It never will be

But you are such an oblique and edgy poet

But are incredibly traditional at the same time

It is an interesting but odd mix Stan

And I do love visiting railway stations

With you when you are in these lighter moods



Stan and Jane

September 2022