Flight 628

Dartling Jane 

We took off about forty-five minutes ago and are thousands of feet above fuck knows where 

I cannot see much as there is heavy cloud

It is a strange sensation which is difficult to describe

It is almost as if we are in limbo halfway up the stairway to Heaven 

I think of God a lot when I am flying and I would like to think that he loves me 

Otherwise I am fucked 

The cabin is very quiet with a lot of people watching the inflight movie which is a sort of Game of Thrones without the tits 

I have a window seat just behind the wing and have a clear view of the massive engines 

How big and powerful they are but how small our plane seems in this grey void 

I am not sure who the comedian was but he said that he was not scared of flying 

It was the flying into mountains that pissed him off 

Last night I dreamt that i was on the doomed Chapecoense flight 

I often have the same dream before I fly 

It is very disturbing as I can see the ground hurtling towards me

And then nothing 

I usually wake up in a sweat 

A doctor tells me that I was one of six survivors out of seventy-seven poor souls 

Selfishly I ask him whether I will play again and am told that my injuries are superficial  

And that is all 

I would imagine that we are flying above the ice seas 

Well at least I can swim that is if I survive the impact and do not freeze to death in the sea 

Yes I hate flying 

As part of my job I have to fly 

I wish I could travel on luxury liners 

But I have to be here and there too quickly 

Is our lifestyle correct 

We like to think that Stan and Jane are Zen people but we are not 

Our apartment has cost a fortune

Just to live in London 

St P and Kings X used to have a poor reputation

Full of Toms and knocking shops   

Bit now it is chic 

It is a cafe society 

We look down on the unfortunates 

When in fact we are the unfortunates

I saw people on the streets in NYC 

Nobody gave a fuck about them 

It happens in London but we have the Sally Army 

Who with others do their bit 

Yet in 2022 we have food banks in the UK why 

They did not exist when we were young 

Maxwell lives in LA and he showed me photos of the poverty on the streets 

It is ghastly 

A lot are on drugs or are soaked 

America is the ultimate multicultural society

Need I say more 

It just does not work  

Liberal is the most dangerous word in the English Language

I am on my soapbox as I am scared 

Not of the flight 

But of the inflight meals 

It looks like what was sucked into the engines earlier 


I am reading Death Wish and am getting a few odd looks 

Has society changed that much 

Bang Bang there goes another one 

The sad thing is that when a bad guy gets ventilated 

We feel a happiness it satisfies our lust as we are all vigilantes at heart 

What amuses me is that all the bad people are either black or from another minority 

I should feel bad about this but I do not as I am unconsciously racist

Why else would I read this pulp

I do hope that we do not hit turbulence as I can see whatever is dead on my plate being dead on my lap and roasting my balls at the same time   

As I said I will make my own way back from the airport 

I am looking forward to seeing and holding you again in my arms 

Will close now as I am going to attempt to kill then eat my lunch 

It smells horrible and is worse that the shit movie 

The plane is more or less on time although the winds are not favourable

As you can see I purchased the drapes and I hope you liked the colour 

I have never heard of Blush Grey but I did like the shade

Radio Silence for a while – I will if I can catch up with you again or tell you when I land 

Be safe and  bankrupt me in London again 

I would like to think that I would be overlooking the trains in about eight hours 

A confession I broke the rules an purchased a teddy bear for you 


I have already named it for you 

Not Sissy but H D Houdini 

You can either love it or throw it out of the window 

Closing Now – by jove this food (I do not know what it is or whether it still retains its vital signs) is tasty 

Happy Stan Missing Jane 

Together Soon Once Again 

Stan xxx

ps – check the flight number – my maths degree follows me around the world