Giovanni Segantini 

Are you back yet Stan 

Yes I have just entered my hotel room 

I was having problems with my reception 

What did you do today 

I rode on the new Liz Line 

Did you enjoy it 

Very much 

Where did you go 

I went as far as Stratford 

Why what was there 

I decided to visit West Ham’s ground 

Did you like it 

Yes it was impressive 

And therein lies a funny story as today and because the wind was chilled I wore that black jack mack that you got for me 

Well I was just wandering around when I saw three ruffians loafing around 

They might have been considering mugging you 

Not a good idea 

The world is full of dead muggers 

Well when they saw me they looked a little alarmed which confused me 

It was not until later when I realised that I was wearing a black jack mack

 They might have thought I was a plain clothes cop and obviously they did not want to be there. 

Did you buy anything at the club shop 



Three carrier bags 

Three carrier bags 



Because I like carrier bags 

What did the carrier bags say

I am not a carrier bag

Funny Man Stan

Where else did you go 

To the CCX Road 

Did you visit a book shop 

There are only two left 

That is sad 

Did you buy a book 


What is it called 

Giovanni Segantini Sein Leben und sein Werk 

What does that mean 

Giovanni Segantini His life and Work 

He was a stateless artist you have spoken of him 

Yes he was one of the most famous artists in Europe in the late nineteenth century but is now almost forgotten 

He was a symbolist painter 

Like the symbolist poets 

Probably not as claustrophobic as he was an open air artist, 

En plein air if you will 

I have seen a number of his works on my travels 

My favourite is The Punishment of Lust 

It it shows women being punished for preferring a life of ease over a life of duty 

They are suspended among the barren landscapes of the Alps.

There are hints that they may be forgiven as this dreamlike state is not unpleasant due to the beauty of the landscape

It sounds like one of you poems Stan 


He one said a really beautiful thing to his partner Bice 

I rather like it 

Take these unsightly flowers these violets as a symbol of my great love

When a spring comes in which I fail to send you such violets

 You will no longer find me among the living

It is beautiful 

But I have noticed of late that you no longer buy me flowers 

That is because you threw the dried flowers that I gave you out of the window during one of our arguments 

They are still there on the signalling equipment 

Every train that passes is a witness to our folly 

Whilst you are being childish I bumped into the Rev Jack and he asked after you

I told him that you were having an existential crisis 

What did he say 

He said that he did not believe me as of all people you are the least likely to worry about going to church as you have God inside you and have no need of the church 

When you are there you tend to be engrossed in the architecture
I have the eye but do not understand the eye 
Was the book expensive 
It was from the bargain shelves 
That was cheap for London 
I have found signed copies there before 
Is the City of the Caesars to your liking 
It always is 
I will meet you on your return and who knows I might be holding a bunch of flowers 
Or a tube map
Why a tube map 
Because they are related to my carrier bags 
Have you been drinking Stan 
I do not drink 
So why the abstract humor
Why not 
I see we are going to have a silly hour 
I am retiring soon 
Think of me when you go to bed 
I am missing you 
I always miss you
You irritate me deeply at times 
But you are a source of light 
Are you writing at present 
No just this 
Just rest 
We will be together soon 
Till then Stan 
Include me in your prayers 
You have dozed off Stan 
Too much travelling 
I can tell that you are asleep 
Leave your dreams open for me 
And I will open my dreams for you 

Jane x

ps – if you are watching the World Cup and pretending to be asleep then you are meat Stan 
Red Raw Meat