The Bat & The Cat

Stan are you still awake 


What time is it in NYC 

Two minutes past eight 

What time is it in the UK 

Two minutes past one 

What are you doing 

Watching The Batman 

Is it good 

Yes it is very moody 

Have you seen it 

I watched it last night 

Your thoughts 

I agree with you it is a moody film 

Am I your catwoman 

Yes you are very feline in your movements 

You are my Batman you know



There is a darkness about you at times 

Is NYC like Gotham 

It tries to be 

But it is too busy 

Millions of people live different lives 

Some live crazy lives and some live ordinary lives 

Would I like it 

I think so or maybe not 

It is noisy dirty and busy and you feel crushed by the skyscrapers

What floor are you on 

The third floor I insisted on that 

What can you see from your window 

A deli and a bar to the left and some apartments to the right 

Are you tired Jane 

I am totally fucked Stan 

Same here I have had a full on day 


The same but I feel that I have a cold starting 

Poor you 

Have you taken anything 

The usual 

Then to bed now Jane 

Okay you are right 

Do you realise that you are about 3600 miles from me 

How did you know that 

It popped up on the screen 

I will watch the rest of the movie tomorrow 

Then I am going to pop down to the hotel bar for a nightcap 

A soft one I hope

I do not drink you know that 

So what are you going to do pick up a hooker 

Not nice Jane I am just going to read a newspaper 

And just watch the city that never sleeps 

That is a cliche Stan 

We agreed no cliches 

Sorry Jane but it was an American cliche 


You are the bat and I am the cat 

Bats come out after dark but cats sleep 

Where are you 

Walking towards the wet room 

Remember it we shagged in the shower 

I slipped and bruised my arse

Is it still bruised 

It is fading as I am 

Get ready for bed 

I will 

You sound sleepy 

I am 

Sleep well Jane 

Share dreams 

Yes share dreams 

Till tomorrow 

Till tomorrow 

I hope you cold fades 

So do I 

Write a fiction a fiction Stan if you have trouble sleeping 

I already am 


I will send it to you when you ring off 

You are very special Stan 

Too fucking special 

Sleep well Jane I will meet you in your dream in a couple of hours

See you then 

Cheerio Stan 

Goodnight Jane 

Bring me back some candy 

I have already purchased some for you 

You are a fine fellow 

And you are my lovely wife 

The next sound I will hear is your mobile falling onto the carpet

Dull thud 

It is always a dull thud 

I sometimes wish we had wooden floors