North of the Pacific 

I have read your new book Guy 

Did you like it 

I did not understand it 

What did you not understand Guy 

The structure was confusing 

At times it is set in 1946 

And then in 1881

Characters change names genders and speak various languages 

It is a book about love Robyn 

My name is Guy 

So is mine 

Then why did you call me Robyn 

Because that is your name 


Yes Guy 

Why are your characters fluid 

Because people are fluid 


1933 was a fluid year 

I had hoped to set  my novel in in 1933 


What is the question 

I had an affair with my teacher 

So did I he fucked me dry in an Eastbourne hotel 

That was the title of my novel 

Did your teacher fuck you 

Often as I was self taught 

I thought your novel was called 

North of the Pacific 

That was my mothers name 

She was very beautiful 

I hated her though 


Because she fucked niggers 

Is this why you write so often about her 

I never knew my mother 

My twin killed her 

Where does your twin live 

Here in this apartment 

What is your twins name 


My name is Maggie 

Then you must be my twin 

We have been in a relationship for many years 

You know every inch of my body 

I am your wife 

We were married by a Catholic priest 

Shortly before he died of AIDS 

That was in 1988 

Is Gladstone out 

Who is Gladstone 

Our son 

Our second born son 

We do not have a son 

I think that you will find that we do Ruth 

What does he look like 

Our son 

What do sons look like 

Marigolds I am told 

Is he orange 

No these products only come in 

Blue and Brown 

Mother is coming for tea this evening 

I hate my mother


Because I do not like to hate dogs 

What is the name of your dog Tina 



Yes Tina 

Why Tina 

Because I was named after a planet