The Mouse Chronicles


What’s wrong Jane 

I have found a mouse in the house 

You are a poet Jane 


Mouse in the house it rhymes 

Fuck Off Stan 

Where is the mouse Jane 

It’s here 

Where is here 

In the humane mouse trap 

Wow that is a surprise as I baited it last night 

There was no cheese in this humane mouse trap 

The mouse has probably eaten it Jane 

Mice like cheese 

Mice eat cheese 

Mice do not like cats 

Cats do not like mice 

Darwin knew this 

You did not bait this humane mouse trap 

I did 

There were two Stan you baited the first but ignored the one near the door 

I did not see it 

You were too busy watching football and were not listening when I gave you your instructions 

I have an ear infection my love 

Do you want to get seriously hurt Stan 

You know I hate mice 

I used to keep them when I was a child 

So you keep telling me 

They are such spiritual creatures 

Jane why did you do that 

Because you are a cunt Stan 

That was my World Cup Guide and they are so expensive these days 

£9.99 from the Paki shop in the town which is incredible 

When I purchased one in 1982 it was only £1.50 



Why did the mouse ignore the baited trap and instead go to the trap that you forgot to bait 

Search me 

Oh not such a great intellectual now 

Frankly Jane I do not care 

Mice are mice 

But there is one thing that interests me 

What is that 

The colour of the mouse 

What colour was it 



What colour was the mouse we found on Tuesday in the baited humane mouse trap 

How the fuck should I know 

You took a photograph of it 

I do not remember doing that 

I asked you to so as it was for my mouse porn site Squeaky Clean  

Look at the photo 

What colour was the Tuesday mouse

A grey brown colour 

What colour was the mouse you found in the unbaited humane mouse trap 

Black I have already told you so dim boy  

Not nice 

Stan there are times that I love you so much that I could eat you 

I enjoy those moments 

But at other times I could drop you from the tallest of buildings 

You just misunderstand me Jane 

No I understand you Stan but the trouble is that you do not understand yourself