

Have you ever seen the movie Emmanuelle

Yes I saw it in Paris some years ago

Did you like it



I liked it but still thought it to be old fashioned


That world does not exist any more

It was a world of innocent pleasures

When did you see it Jane

The other night on television

Do they still show it

It appears so yes

What do you think has changed

I think the world has become more serious

Why as we have more comforts these days

But strangely this has made people less satisfied with their lot

Want want want it is a must have society

I agree

Look out of the window Jane

What do you see

St P

The passing trains

The skyline of London

What has changed

From 1974

How would I know

I was not around then

Just think

Well these apartments would have not been here

It was very industrial around here

St P was on its last legs

Look at it now

I agree it is superb

The trains only went towards the Midlands

The whole thing was dying

And then they built the channel tunnel

One could travel to France via Dover

In 1974

Train Ferry Train

Or catch the hovercraft from Rammytown



Would you like to have travelled like Emmanuelle


But I thought she was a victim

Do not give me that shit Jane

It was her sexual journey

From a male gaze

She was exploited

Fuck off Jane

She was used

You are beginning to sound like a dyke

A feminist Stan

I know that you are not a feminist

I am

Only when it suits you

You are a pig

A pig yes

But an honest pig

Stan is a pig and Jane is confused

Why do we argue

Because you annoy me

And you annoy me

Would you have liked to have lived in those innocent times

The 1970s were not innocent far from it

But yes I would have liked to have been Emmanuelle


Do you want to know a secret Stan

Yes I like your secrets

When I was at college

I lived with Penny and Jo

In Kingston

I know

But what I did not tell you was we had an Emmanuelle chair


Was it yours

No it came with the flat

Did you use it


Did anything happen

Such as

Anything erotic

Not really I tended to sit in it with my legs curled beneath me

Doing what

Reading a book normally

That is a dog end story Jane

You have not asked me what I was wearing

What were you wearing

Usually my red silk gown

What did the others think

I do not think that they noticed

Where is this going Jane

Stan I know that you are writing this fiction

But I told you a fib

That being

I gave you the impression that I had seen the movie recently

But that was a lie


Yes as we had a video copy of the movie in the flat

Jo’s girlfriend had stolen it from Blockbusters as a dare

A thrill steal

I watched it one afternoon when the flat was vacant

I sat in the Emmanuelle chair and watched the movie

Did it turn you on

It was not just the movie that turned me on but the music

I found the music so seductive

What happened


Those were more innocent times Stan

You were in your final year at Kings

We had not met

But our ships were closing in on each other