
Do you think that she has nice boobs Stan


That girl that you have been looking at since we arrived at the pool

What girl

Are we talking again

Its seems so

Are you still mad at me

Why should I be mad at you

You lock me out of the apartment stark naked as a coach drops off some lads on their midwinter break

Collar and cuffs

Shut it Stan

You were shitty to me on the plane so I got my own back

As sometimes you throw things of mine onto the railway

Football programmes Stan only shitty programmes

I love them

Do you think that she is beautiful Stan


The girl on the red lounger

Yes she is beautiful very beautiful

But what I admire is the way she holds herself

She is probably a complete bitch

Possibly but if you watch her move around the pool

Then you will notice that she almost glides

It is almost like she is dancing

Crap Stan you like her tits

No just watch her against that waitress over there by the parasols

She is heavy and walks like a primate

That is because the poor bitch probably works twelve hours a day serving bitches like Betty Blue over there just to keep a roof over her head and feed her brats

That is open conjecture Jane it says nothing to me

I am right Stan

Possibly but where is the evidence

Lets say that I dived into the pool what would happen

You would drown hopefully


Where are you coming from Stan

There would be a serious difference between Stan out of the pool and Stan in the pool

Riddles Stan

You are missing my point

I would become very wet as soon as I entered the pool whereas here on the loungers I am dry

The dynamics of this will never change

That places your thoughts of the waitress into perspective

Stan do you know how you can be wet and dry at the same time away from this swimming pool



I was enjoying my orange drink

You deserved it

STAN Stan put me down

You dare

Put me down


I think that Katherina needs to be taught a lesson

Stan you have made your point

Give me my bikini pants back


I love string bikinis

I am sorry I was a bitch to you


You were cruel to me on the plane

I tell you what if you tell me how very sorry you are then I will hang your bikini pants on the direction sign over there

Fuck you Stan

Fuck you Jane

I bet you would not do this to your girlfriend over there

Possibly not



Yes Katherina

Be kind to me

I would rather look at the waitress in a bikini

You are so hateful

If I get out of this pool then I will be arrested

In Lanzarote think about it

Nobody gives a shit

I am going back to the apartment for a shower as I smell like Tango Man

If you are still in the pool when I return and say sorry then I will give you your bikini pants back

It is up to you

May I help you

Not really

Yes you could be of assistance

Would you give Katherina her bikini pants back when I leave the Wakiki

And tell her to look in my beach bag as there is something there to her advantage

Not a problem

And would you also ask my lovely wife to give you twenty euros as you have been a great help to me

You do not have to tip me as the management pools all tips

It is not a tip Ria

How did you know my name

It is on your name badge

Do you like your job

It pays for things but I send a majority of my earnings back to my family

It will get better mark my word

What is my wife doing


I think that she is very beautiful

So do I but she is very fiery at times