Christopher Tietjens

Jane have you ever read Parade’s End

By Ford Madox Ford

I cannot say that I have

At one stage Tietjens notes that one has to go to bed

With a woman to be able to talk to her

That sounds like shit to me Stan

Maybe but it does say that to be friends with a woman

You have not slept with is almost impossible

As there is too much unspoken in the air

Did you ever put this into practice

Before meeting me


After meeting me

Yes every Tuesday

Do I visit the British Museum

Or am I cultivating a friendship


Have you ever been unfaithful to me

Why do you want an answer to that question

Have you

You sound like a virgin

Before she opens her legs

I will not answer that question because it insults me

Have you

Have I what

Climbed other skyscrapers

No I am not a slut

I am happy with you

You have answered your own question

And that is my answer also

Stan & Jane