Modern Nature

We are in a motorway service station

It is three in the morning

We are sharing a coffee

Just to keep awake

You have purchased a book

As a gift for me

Modern Nature

Derek Jarman

I am reading it and watching people

I admire his book

It makes me happy

You are so thoughtful

Our coach has broken down

We will have to wait for a replacement

Which is two hours away

We will be an incredible dream

You ask me why I said this

I do not answer but smile

Are you hungry

I am

I could kill a burger

So could I

I wonder where we will be

In twenty-four hours time

Holding each other in bed I think

As the hour is late

Your gift will be on my cabinet

As I tend to read in bed

But we are here at present

Drinking coffee

And sharing a burger (and fries)

This is a casual diet

A diet on the move

I ask God’s forgiveness

He remains silent

But I know that he is pleased with me

As I have found the brown sauce unopened

Today is Friday the First of June

I have never been in this location

On Friday the First of June

And am likely never to be here again