Mr Batchelor

I have always thought that many railway stations

Were at their most manicured in the years

Leading up to the Great War

But they are Blue Remembered Hills Jack

That era has passed

It has been totally obliterated by time

Here look at this photograph

What do you see

A station master standing with two children

His name was Mr Batchelor and the girl is my grandmother

How haunting


I found it in a book about ten years ago

Were they his children

No he was the Station Master at Arley

On the Severn Valley Railway

The children just posed with him for a photograph

These were the days of Empire

It was something to be English in those days

Look at the flowers behind them

They were grown with care and love and won many prizes

The platform was not littered and everything was ordered

I have always considered that the railways were a barometer

A barometer of what

England my England

My Lost England

Today the railways are scruffy and unloved

Everything reeks of utilitarianism

It is supposed to bring the greatest happiness

But in my view the opposite is true

It brings the deepest sorrow

Do you think that things have improved



Because we were betrayed

By whom

Our fathers and our fathers fathers

It was all down to strength

We were ruled by fools and the sons of fools

Men became effeminate


They let Empire slip between their fingers

They tried to grasp sand

That is considered a rather old fashioned view these days

I do not agree with you Martin

We should agree to differ

As we are great friends

I agree

Kent Ale

That would be nice

I do have one question though

That being

What happened to the children

I do not really know

The little boy was not related

There is a chance that he might have fought

I really do not know

Your grandmother

She and her family emigrated to Australia in the thirties

But slowly but surely the family lost contact with them

My grandmother became a teacher and was last heard of in the fifties

She was living and teaching Adelaide with her husband

Who was also a teacher and previously a mining engineer