Jane & International Women’s Day

Hi Stan

I am home


I am home Stan all safe and sound

The tubes were shit but what can you expect

There is some tea in pot

Would you pour me a cup of tea

I thought slavery had been abolished


You smell nice have you had a bath

No I prefer the grime of the city

What did you do today

Not much as both my meetings were cancelled

The snow you see

Did you work

Yes I caught up this morning

But I watched a couple of movies this afternoon

I had an interesting day today

That’s nice

Do you want to hear about it


Today was International Women’s Day

International Dykes Day more like

It is good that we are all sisters once in while

I agree but it is a waste of time

What would you replace it with

International Bitches Day

That just about sums you up Stan

You think that women are just there

For your your enjoyment

Yes what is wrong with that

You can make your own dinner

I have already eaten

Judging by the kitchen I can see that you have

Your should be cooking me a nice meal

I cannot cook

You will not cook

Levels of processing Jane

Levels of shit Stan

I am always suspicious about men who cook

Do not start on that again

I might just learn to cook faggots


20:08 Wednesday the 8th of March 2023

What are you reading

A book about feminism



I forgot to ask what movies did you watch this afternoon

I watched two

Brief Encounter and A Canterbury Tale


Yes because they portray an England

Before the pollution


Take the women in the movies

They were both English Roses


Well spoken

Middle Class

With a tree going back to the Saxons

They never existed

Utter crap Jane and you know it.

They were feminine unlike the women that you see today

Women are so obsessed with equality that their femininity withers

Have you ever seen a good looking feminist

Most are fat sister fuckers that cannot come to terms

That they are dogs

Fat ugly dogs

With excess body hair

The whole thing makes me shiver

I have seen many attractive feminists

They are the herd Jane

Do not mistake them for feminists

Are you winding me up Stan

Why do you ask that question

You seem intent on upsetting me

I have no intentions in that direction

I was just expressing a common view

That in the not so recent past

Women were more like the Laura and Alison Smith

They were feminine to the core

Do you think I am feminine

Yes very feminine

But you can be influenced by the Dyke Dogs

Fuck you Stan

You are trying to make me cry

Open the door and throw your book on to the line


So that the next train can swallow it up

That is your answer to everything

If you do not agree with it you destroy it



What is the date today

The 8th of March

What is so special about the eighth of March

That it is sandwiched between the seventh and ninth of the third month

Anything else


Do you remember the Calcutta Cafe in Soho

Yes it is where you took me on our first date

When was that

The eighth of Ma-

Go into the spare room as there might be something on the bed to your advantage


Oh Stan you are so romantic

I absolutely love you

Are you crying


You are not much of a feminist are you

Not really

You are my English Rose


I knew that you would make me cry

As I am quite tired but I did not expect this

But I still do not forgive you as you are a grade one cunt

That is the nicest thing that you have said to me today

Here is something nicer


That makes two of us

What did you say

Nothing of importance Jane

Nothing of importance

Stan & Jane (8th of March 2023)