The Rugby Match

One of my pastimes is reading the histories of memorable schools

At present I am reading about a grammar school here in Kent

The history of this ancient school was published in 1962

And contains many photographs to illustrate the chapters

Recent Headmasters and famous pupils are remembered

As well as the timeline of the school buildings past and present

But one photograph interested me because it was a moment in time

It showed a simple line out at a inter house rugby match

And was taken on a cold March day in the early sixties

I know this playing field well having played rugger there myself

Little has changed apart from the demolition of the equipment huts

Which were replaced by the addition of the impressive science block

The actual players were so clean cut and tidy despite the conditions

They fascinate me as I wonder what became of them

And do many even remember this timeless game

I recall many of my rugby matches although I am much younger

Than these sixth form boys who on that cold brittle day

Played this the most English of games on those exposed fields

If by chance one of them found this book forgotten in a shop

I wonder if he would recognise himself in his golden youth