Stan & Jane go to a Football Match

Home at last

Did you enjoy yourself Jane

Very much

I do like women’s football

It is softer than men’s football

There is no violence in the crowd and all those dreadful songs

What dreadful songs

You know the ones

When I went to the West Ham Chelsea match with you last season

They called the Chelsea players Rent Boys

Some of them are

And the abuse of the black players is so unfair

I have heard some saying it affects their mental health

So does getting your head blown off in the Ukraine

I do not approve of it but I would rather they sang rude songs

Than see violence on the trains and in the streets

Sticks and stones I can see where you are coming from

But I disagree with you

That is why the game today was so refreshing

What did you think of it Stan

I have always thought women’s football to be a poor product

What do you mean

It lacks the intensity of the mans game and is a lot slower

Really I think that a decent non league side could take this England side to the cleaners

Women are physically weaker than men and suffer from injuries that are less common in the male game

Girls are built differently

I am not saying that it is no good but just recognise its place in the food chain

At grass roots level it is good that girls can play football as sports like football and rugger help you to function as a team

That is important

I played at a quite high level and although I am quite individualistic by nature I was very much a team player

You were mainly a goalkeeper

Were you any good

No that is why I played at a higher level in that position than in any other position on the field

Sarky Stan

Also that is another criticism I have about women’s football

What is that

I have yet to see a decent female goalkeeper

Women are the wrong shape

They are not natural goalkeepers

The England goalkeeper made some good saves

They were run of the mill saves Jane

Some of the outfield players have a degree of skill

But only at this level

It is a mistake to believe otherwise

That is cruel Stan

Seriously I think you are wrong

But their boyfriends and husbands must be proud of them

Why are you smiling Stan

Stop grinning at me

You are so innocent Jane

Why do you say that

Stan you are pissing me off

Most of the players are married to each other

Come again

They are gay girls


What is wrong with that

Nothing but I do not take it seriously

Women’s football is a confectionery

Nice to look at wrapped in bright colours

But not remembered for that long

I think that I might look for a ladies team

That is a good idea Jane

But I think that you would be a better rugby player



I like rugger and enjoy our games in Bath

Take that look off of your face Stan

I mean Bath your home city

Remember you lived near there

Really I thought I was from Glasgow

Stop taking the piss Stan

I am not taking the piss

All I was saying is whilst I do enjoy football I do prefer rugger

Playing fields of England and Empire

No not that

I just like the physicality of it all

Thirty sweaty bodies rolling around in the mud

End of conversation Stan



Would you be able to get some England tickets again

Possibly I can pull some strings

I love going to Twickenham

It is great fun

I could wear my England shirt

And my lovely jeans

I feel good in that style

You look very chic Jane

And then if you are a good boy I might walk around in our apartment wearing nothing but my England shirt

My favourite



You said that you thought I would be more suited to playing rugby than football

But what do you think my best position would be


Why Hooker

Am I not too slight


That is not funny

You do not take me seriously

Make your own dinner

We ate out do you not remember


I can bite also you know

Where are you going

To the spare room

To hang out with Penny

Do not disturb me

Is there something going on with you two


I see

Just enquiring

You would love that

Only if you wore your rugger shirt


I am sleeping in the spare room

Suit yourself