Deranged Movie

Dazzle Dazzle

Is my co-star

She is from Denmark

This is her tenth movie


Is my name

I am directing

As well as acting

In my tenth movie

It is a sequel to my next project

Dazzle Dazzle

Is sitting up in a bed

She is reading

Les Fleurs du Mal

It is a silent scene

With only the street noises evident

I am using my apartment

Which has views of the Seine

Dazzle Dazzle is topless

I am shooting two versions

One topless and one clothed

As I need to navigate around the censors

In less tolerant countries

I am a flaneur

A wanderer who roams the streets of Paris

In search of inspiration finding none

This movie will use three languages

Danish English and French

As Dazzle Dazzle and I are fluent

In each language

Today I am planning

Two scenes

In no particular order

I walk into the room

And find Dazzle Dazzle in my bed

I ask her why she is there

And am reminded that I asked her to crash

After the party that I did not attend

She has borrowed a book of my poetry

But hates it

And throws it out of the window

It lands in the back of a truck

And leaves Paris never to return

I decide on three takes

As there are three roads

Near my apartment

Leading to different towns

It is a hot day and we lunch early

I am not planning to finish this movie

It is a real time movie

That will be made in black and white

As it is cheaper and my budget is tight

My sister Lou is playing the role of Lou

She is working for free

As she admires the project

I resemble my sister Lou

Even though we were both adopted

She is married to Dazzle Dazzle

And they live in Paris

In an area famed for its artists

I also have an apartment in Berlin