Stan & Jane (Disagreement)

Jane do you know what I saw as I walked past Kings Cross

A train


Then what

I saw a chap who was even taller than me wearing a dress

How did that make you feel Stan

I felt nothing


Well I felt a little angry

Just a little angry Stan

Well the pervert fucked me off

Did you want to hit him



Well yes but I just ignored him and kept the peace

Was he taking shit

He was attracting attention

And a few louts were giving him the verbals

Peado Pervert and insults like that


I can see why they did it


Because this chap disgusted them

If they had taken it further and attacked him what would you have done


But you have separated fights in the past and have stepped in when women were being hassled


So why if this did occur would you have ignored it

Because the coffee in St P is so good

Fuck off Jane your hormones are everywhere

Fuck you Stan

You have tears in your eyes stop it now

You say that you are kind and yes you are but only kind on your own terms

You choose to be kind when it suits you

If something offends you or upsets you then you revert to the savage as most men do

Sometime I do not really understand you

You are the best partner a girl could have

You are just so lovely to me

But there is a part of you that worries me

There is a darkness in you not using a better word

There are things that you do not care for Jane

I know

What about the pervert who attacked Mandy

What about it

You said that if you came across him

That you would cut his balls off with a blunt knife

It was a figure of speech Stan and you know it

When you went out with Bryan and Rob to search for this guy

I was proud of you but hated you at the same time

If we had found him then our actions would have not been a figure of speech

How would have felt about that

But we are not talking about a hypothetical situation Stan

Why did that chap you saw at Kings Cross upset you so much

What about you

I personally do not know what to make of them

You know the answer to that question Jane

Do you think that they are mentally ill

I do not know enough about the subject


I know a lot about the subject and have drawn my own conclusions

They are cruel conclusions Stan

I am comfortable with them

Is that why you make faggot jokes when you know gays might hear them

Free speech Jane

It is not free speech

What is it then

Now I am crying leave me alone

Tell me two things Jane

If on a hot day you decided to remove your shirt when passing Kings Cross what would happen

I would probably either be warned or arrested by the cops

What would you be charged with

Stan leave this alone

You would be charged with outraging public decency

Yet if at the same time this pervert walked by in his Laura Ashley the idiot cops would do nothing

Are your breasts indecent

I hope not

I would like to think that they are attractive

So why would you be likely to be charged

Stan I am beginning to feel unwell please stop this conversation

Imagine that you were in a changing room taking a shower and one of these so called women walked in with his dick dangling between his legs

I am not going to answer you Stan

You would feel invaded

That is quite simple because these people apart from being nuts are misogynists

They hate women that is as plain as day and quite why they are tolerated is beyond me

We are a liberal society Stan


A society has to be strong otherwise chaos spreads

Stan I really need to end this conversation

Please Stan please

Would you help me to the bathroom I need to be sick

I am sorry Jane but you make me so mad

I do have a dark side but I control it at most times

I am a decent man and I wonder why we are arguing about abstracts

It is so absurd

Stan leave me alone for a while

I think that we have both upset baby

I will be at my desk just yell in you need me