

Where is Nanook

Up North

Is he your friend



Because he ate my camera

You have to realise that these are a noble people

My camera was a noble camera

It never let me down

Did you lose any photographs


Which ones

The ones of our farmhouse in Provence

You do not have a farmhouse in Provence

I know

But we used to own a farmhouse in Provence

Before that dumb Inuit fool

Ate my camera

Anouk you are not a very warm person

Neither is Nanook

You are just creating thin humours

Are there thick humours

There are humours

Thin and thick



Do you realise that your names rhyme

No I have never thought of that


Are you now not ashamed about the consequence of your anger



Because Nanook ate my camera

And now I have nowhere to spend the summer

Papa was planning a swimming pool you know

Can you not get another camera

It will not be the same


Because it will be a blank canvas

Anouk many people see you as a spoilt bitch

Bully for them

You are not a nice person

Neither are you

It is not about me

I hate being criticised

Who are you to criticise me

You are just a fucking poet and a poor one at that

This is not about me Flea

How did you know my nickname

That would be telling

I think that I will finish this work

Why are you bored with me


I am a nice person

Not in my book

Please do not end this piece

For what reason


For what reason

I like the exposure

I want to be famous

I have the looks

I have the figure

I am Anouk

Why did you do that

Because I said that I would stop writing

People will forget about you Anouk

If I say Pretty Please

Grow up Anouk

I will return in three weeks and if I think that you have changed for the better

Then I will give you the exposure that you so want

Will you return the farmhouse in Provence to me

It never went away

And the pool


I will try to be kind

I hope so

Why do you not invite Nanook to the farmhouse

It will be too hot for him

Possibly but ask him

And then apologise for being a bitch