Two Castles

In the last couple of days

Jane and I have visited

Two Castles

One in Walmer and one in Dover

Dover in all its majesty

Is perched high above the town

Whereas Walmer is situated

Very near the sea

In a semi rural settling

Both are noble castles

But Dover is the more imposing

As it seems to touch the sky

When one visits this castle

It is a vertical experience

And not for the faint of heart

You are almost at God’s front door

Today I purchased a new used book

From the dusty kitchens

The Poems of T.S. Eliot

I browsed through this book

Whilst taking tea on the terrace

It was an agreeable way to spend an hour

Given that whilst the sun was May warm

The wind was quite cool for its station

In a week or so distant the warmth will arrive

And this will enhance its already perfect music of the area

Jane will be wearing her —-

Stan what are writing

Jane will be wearing her cool cotton dress

My suicide note

Oh that’s nice

Shall we call the next few moments a silence

Let’s do that

Silence it is a quiet word

Very suited for its meaning

I agree

But there is nothing quiet about this word

It is one of the loudest words in our language

Silence Screams

Like a jet engine

You are losing me Stan

Please come back

I was writing about our castle visits

I enjoyed both but baby objected to the Dover climbs

They can be seen as challenging to say the least

But he or she liked the water feature in the centre of the town

I liked it but did consider it wasted on the local population

They are trying to regenerate the town

I agree as the town needs love

Parts of Dover are rather beautiful especially near the park

I am not saying it was ugly

Just tired

It will always be a transit town a passing point

It is an unusual combination and I cannot think of a town in the UK that shares this

Rather like Marseille which is the gateway to Africa

Dover is the gateway to Europe

Both seem to collect the waifs and strays along with the people who stay for no real reason apart from the fact that they are always in transit

Is that why you preferred Walmer

I like the gardens as they were so lovely

We visited this castle at the right time of the year

Everything was so new and perfect

Including the high white light

It was a joy to behold

God lives in Walmer

Quite possibly

May I read your suicide note Stan

Be my guest

As suicide notes go I rather like this one

Thank You Jane

That means such a great deal to me