The Corrour Haunting

Although quite obscure for many years the railway station at Corrour is now quite celebrated

Many associate it with the station with movie Trainspotting and with the songs of Wolf Alice

I first discovered it when I happened on the Dutch movie The Pointsman whilst in Amsterdam

Corrour is now quite a popular destination but not many people are aware of a reported hauntings that took place as recently as 1959

Strictly speaking this incident did not happen at Corrour but about a mile down the line towards Rannoch

It was reported by two hikers who I will name as John and Paula Smith were both found suffering from exhaustion by a search team after they had been reported missing

It was a classic case of two inexperienced hikers not taking precautions and ignoring advice when the weather was about to turn

Thankfully after a short stay in hospital they recovered but had a rather strange story to tell

Although fragmented they soon realised that as the weather changed and that they had made a series of mistakes and thought it wise to find the railway line and use it as a guide

They located the line after about an hour but realised that they were not out of danger as the weather had worsened

It was then that they found a island platform which they supposed to be Corrour but it was quite obvious that it was not

Paula noted that apart from a small dilapidated wooden shelter the platform had no other features

Its location was obscure and there were no signs that it had ever had a name

The couple who were glad of the shelter supposed that it was an obscure halt or possibly a platform used by track workers

But the was one thing that both John and Paula found odd and that was that attached to the shelter was a sign noting that they were on Platform 0

It was after this that their story really gets strange partially due to their condition as that they were huddled together for warmth

That both admit to having hallucinations as they imagined that they were not alone

Workmen were passing their remote refuge without acknowledgement and on one occasion a group of hikers in Edwardian dress looked at them

Refreshments were offered but the couple cannot remember if they accepted them or not

John and Paula were found at dawn the following morning near a shallow embankment

And the rest is history

They first mentioned their experience to a Dr Clark who took a great interest in what they had experienced

He soon determined that there had never been a platform in the area and that they railway workers had other arrangements for foul weather no matter how primitive

The doctor checked the history of the immediate area and found that there had been no records of any accidents or unexplained deaths

As he noted in his diary that it was a historical location without a history

Clark consulted a number of his colleagues and the consensus was that the lost hikers due to the extreme conditions had suffered hallucinations as they drifted in and out of consciousness

The incident was reported in the newspapers of the time but as a rational explanation had been put forward it was soon forgotten

That was until 2012 when John and Paula discovered totally by accident that reports about Platform 0 did actually exist

There had been two incidents in 1942 that were quickly suppressed for obvious reasons

A similar incident was reported in 1973 but was discounted as drugs were found in the possession of the hikers in question

There have been no reported incidents since

But I think that the last word should go to Dr Clark who whilst he accepted that hallucinations were the probable cause also thought that even though it went against his better judgement that John and Paula may have experienced a warp in time

We will never know as Dr Clark who was a keen hiker himself disappeared in 1981 not far from where John and Paula had been found

No trace of him has ever been found and he is now presumed dead