The Nigger of the Narcissus & Typhoon

I was on holiday with Egg Julie and Bizzy Lizzy

As normal we were in deepest Kent

We were swimming in Meek Creek

Or at least my dear friends were

I had been told to stay in port

As I had an infected foot

I was reading The Nigger of the Narcissus

And would later read Typhoon

Joseph Conrad was my favourite author

And I was glad to have found

This rare edition at a jumble sale

Egg was next to me reading Lucy is a Rich Bitch

Or he was pretending to as he was watching Julie swimming

He took a great interest when she stood up in the water

As her white swimming costume because quite translucent

He was in love with Julie unlike me as I found her rather plain

Bizzy Lizzy wore a sensible black costume

She was a serious girl although great fun to be with

Yet thought Julie lightweight and very giggly

But they were the best of friends and shared a room together

My favourite months are obviously the summer months

As I love the colours the perfumes and the warmth

I love the long days and short nights and staying up late

Staring at the stars until that you realise that you are dreaming

Kent is a mainly flat county which makes it seem bigger

Its lanes seem longer and the trees taller and the skies endless

I know no other county that I favour more

I have always read Conrad as his were tales of adventure

Which I wanted to imitate as I travelled around the world

But on hot summer days next to cool waters

This was quite distant from my thoughts

Egg was swimming with the girls and I felt jealous of his adventure

But doctors orders were doctors orders

Yet I wanted to be foolish and abandon my book

I wanted to fade into these days without planned occupation