Joe and Josephine

What is your favourite part of the woman Joe

The brain

Funny Joe

Do you like her boobs or her cunt or are you an arse man

I am an arse man

I thought you were


Because you always look at my arse

You have a nice bum

Not too skinny and not too fat

It is a pity that you like girls


What is your preference

That is easy

The bum

Before I date any girls they must pass my bum test

Seriously I thought it was a more even spread with you

More cerebral if you like

That is why some gay girls are so fucking ugly

Brick shit houses in shapeless clothing and cropped hair

You must have favourites

I have many

But I could never fuck an ugly woman

What about you

Although I am not as blunt as you I do have my favourites


I like my women to be feminine that is very important

Who was your first girlfriend

It was a girl named Jackie

Was she hot

No far from it

Noel Coward wrote a song

Mad about the Boy

Which I think summed Jackie up

She was slight and incredibly boyish

Did she have a nice bum

In a way but as I said she was incredibly boyish

Flat as a board

But I loved her

Did it last long

Six months and then she broke my heart as she left me for Dutch girl

Are there any bums that you do not like

Fat ones

If I see a woman with a fat arse it makes me ill

Surely you like a piece of meat

A wiggle if you get my drift

I am talking about the grossly fat ones sizes plus plus plus

So what do you think of the advertising people’s take on it at present

In what way

Rather like the Dove products when they employed plus plus plus models

I found it gruesome

So I take it you do not like black women

Do you

You first

Well to be honest I am not attracted by their shape

Because of their bums


It is seen as very attractive by some

I just do not find them attractive

And I doubt if they find me attractive

They are too masculine for me

You are attractive Joe

Thank you

That is until you open your mouth

Not nice

But true

You are very opinionated

If I asked you the same question

My answer would be the same

I do not find black women attractive

Which goes to show that we all live in narrow corridors

I agree

I like my girlfriends to be feminine and attractive and they must pass by bum test



This conversation is going nowhere

Who fucking cares about Joe and Joe

I agree



If I was not so into girls would you fuck me

Of course I would

So you rate my arse


Out of ten


You are so full of shit Joe

Would I be the kind of girl you would date



Of course

That is why we are friends

Tell me the truth Joe what turns you on about me

Do you turn me on

Fuck you Joe

Honest answers please

The truth is that I find you very attractive

You have a great arse

But the thing that turns me on more than anything is that you have had knowledge of women

That turns me on

I am not surprised at your answer Joe

If you asked a hundred Joe’s then unless they were faggots the the answers would be similar

Real men like the idea of the girl girl thing it is as old as the hills

I tell you what Joe I will let you watch me next time

Really Joe


You can join in if you like

A three


I will await your call



It will never happen


Because I am in training to be a nun

I am willing to adopt the Catholic faith

Give me time to think about it

I will chat to Jesus tonight after I have masturbated

Send me a text and let me know what Jesus says



This is a silly fiction

I know

Shall I discontinue it

That up to you ewe

Baa Baa Baa Baa