A Doorstep in East London

My uncle used to live in East London

He had an unusual collection of photographs

These included photos of the front door step

At 37 Brewer Street where he lived until 2003

He then moved from East London to East London

On South Africa’s Eastern Cape

Before he left he gave me a small album

Dedicated to the front door step

Of 37 Brewer Street dating from 186122003

Obviously taken by different photographers

The house in Brewer Street was built in 1861

It was intended to be the residence of small family

As there was until 1880 a large publishing works nearby

Dated 4th of May 1861 and taken by a George Burrows

This first photograph shows the doorstep

To be in a pristine condition as is the street in view

It has obviously been looked after and recently polished

1880 (no month noted)

The step now shows shows signs of wear

But is in good condition although the street is beginning to age

At a guess the dynamics of the area were declining


This photograph was taken by Edwin Burrows the son of George

Again the month is not detailed

This is a rather sad photograph

As it clearly shows the decline of the street

Some houses are slums but number 37

Still retains its original gentleness

The doorstep which is partially hidden by a crate

Does not seem to be worn but coal dust is evident


Photographer unknown (Edwin died in the Great War)

There is a distinct shabby feel to both the house and the street

The doorstep however does not appears to have aged


Photographer Agnes Moore


This is by far the saddest photograph

I am not aware that Miss Moore had any connections

To 37 Brewer Street as she came from Deal

It appears that she was recording the bomb damage

As both Brewer Street and Golden Street were both heavily bombed

Yet number 37 although covered with debris was undamaged

Miss Moore took a series of photographs

And although unintentional

Some show the much recorded doorstep

There are two things that I should mention

Miss Moore is distantly related to me

As she was the mother of my uncle

She received a telegram from the King a month ago

And lives happily in Richmond with my aunt

The doorstep although shabby is in one piece


Two photographs

Photographer unknown

The 1955 photograph shows number 37 as being unoccupied

A candidate for demolition

If I had taken this photograph I would have expected it

To be the final photograph in the series

The doorstep is in bad shape and exhibits damage


This photograph deceives as number 37 and other houses in the street

Looking east

Are now occupied

In the area to the west rows of council houses can be seen

It appears that certain parts of Brewer Street were not demolished

As the houses were strong and in good shape

The doorstep had been repaired


My uncle took this photograph

And what is obvious is that squatters

Are resident in the house

(I wonder if my uncle was squatting)

My Aunt May is sitting on the half hidden doorstep

She appears to be smoking a joint

(My uncle had a history of squatting)


A newspaper photograph

Mrs Thatcher visited Brewer Street

And is posing with a couple of long forgotten council worthies

She is standing on the door step of number 37

(even doorsteps have a claim to fame)

The doorstep is in fine condition

I might say since 1861 it has not looked better


Mu uncle lived at 37 Brewer Street during this period

He took photographs of the doorstep each year

There should be 16 photographs but for some reason there are 17


I moved to 37 Brewer Street in 2004

And have kept up the tradition

I photograph the doorstep once a year

It has not really aged that much

And looks thanks to the 1985 Thatcher love

In good shape although worn smooth

In time I will write a history of this area

(I am an historian of some note)

But for the present will retain my silence

Till Then
