Sunday Afternoon

What are you reading Stan

A piece in the Telegraph


It is about housing

Or lack of it

Some fool suggested building

Over London’s ninety-six golf courses

But you dislike the game

Only because I am shit at it

It is a very narrow vision

As green spaces help cities and towns to breathe 

Another suggestion is to build

Near to the rural railway stations

That is just not on 

But the one that really fucks me off

It that the green belt should be reviewed

They see it as a anachronism

Sacred Cows and all that

If any government went in that direction

Then there would be a major schism

I would find my Uzi 

Where is it 

In the airing cupboard 

With the winter blankets 

I have a really logical idea

What is that Stan

Deport all those who have no right to be here

And then encourage others to leave

This country must be manageable

That is vitally important

But what about the gutter jobs

Then as part of the benefits received

One should pay something back

Have a sense of responsibility

Work for the benefit of your community

Hard decisions need to me made

By clear sighted people

I suppose that you consider yourself to be one of those people

I am a clear thinker Jane

I strip everything down

The solutions are obvious

But we are led by donkeys

People like you can start wars

I do not agree with that

The sad thing is that people

Are easily led and basically rather stupid

They dislike honesty

As it makes them uncomfortable

That is why I am quite unpopular

Really I never knew that 

Knock me down with a feather and call me Phillip 

But that does not bother me

As I know that I am correct

Of course you are 

One should cherish the visionaries

And not attack them



Do you ever regret asking a question

Not often


Because I am nearly always aware of the answer

And it is a pointless exercise