
This information has never been shared before

It is highly classified

But in my researches

I came across a chilling story which is as real today as it was then

In 1911 a girl named Florence Stephens copied a sequence of numbers into a book of nursery rhymes

And then disappeared

She was last seen in Gravesend and it was assumed that she was abducted and possibly taken overseas

No trace of her was ever found

But her book of nursery rhymes after a lifetime of travelling found its way into my possession

I wondered if the sequence of numbers had any meaning and until last week I had discovered nothing

And then it all came together

I was watching a news report about an awful train crash in Spain when I realised that the date of the crash 010623 was one of the sequential numbers in the book of nursery rhymes

It was not long before I began to work out the true meaning of what seemed to be a random list of numbers

When viewed in batches of six they corresponded with the dates of great disasters

If this was not chilling enough I received a phone call telling me that my life was in danger and that I should go into hiding

And that under no circumstances should the book leave my side

The caller was Florence Stephens