
At about two in the morning

A brave storm woke me up

I tried to sleep but without success

The storm had joined me

In my dreams

There was a knock at the door

I wandered down the stairs naked

And answered the window

I met a couple who had abandoned

Their car by the concrete storm drain

They were soaked through

So I offered them clouds

And made them coffee coffee

The woman who was a schoolteacher

Told me that I was hung like a nigger

And after thanking her for her kind words

I told her that niggers were no longer hung in these parts

I complemented her on her pert breasts

And was told that she was dreading bearing children

This was the reason that she had married a queer

What an awesome dreamer you are you are

What an awesome dreamer you are

My wife said to me as she lay on my chest

And watched the storm in her dreams