(Anthem for Doomed Youth)

I visit London frequently although to be quite truthful I tend to pass through

But yesterday I found that I had time to spare before my onward journey

So I used my vacancy to look at both St Pancras and Kings X in more detail

It was whilst I was exploring that I purchased a small book of poetry

These poems were by Wilfred Owen who I admire greatly

Anthem for Doomed Youth stood out for me as it was a perfect poem

Not a word or image was wasted in this incredibly painful work

I later sat under the small trees between these great stations

And thought of these boys in their first gleamings of manhood

Laying down their lives for their great and beloved country

There were many young men of similar ages passing me by

And I wondered how many of them actually loved their country

This country which had nurtured and cared for them without reward

I do not think that it had entered their minds or was likely to do so

Some were dressed in ridiculous fashions which totally ridiculed them

And others just seemed to be confused with their own identity

If a conflict started would these be the brave soldiers of yesterday

Or would they be the cowards who might hide behind the maternal aprons

It was a sobering thought and I wondered if these soldiers could see us now

What would they might make of the complete chaos of manhood today
