Looking After the Fairies

Stan as you know I love you very much

You are everything to me

But there is a side to you that I do not like

What is that

Is it my supposed racism

Not really

My supposed homophobia

Again not really

And I say this with a baby brain you know

Do not shoot me down in flames

I understand your reasons

You are a deep thinker

I may disagree with you about certain things but I know that you are clear in your thoughts

But there is one thing

Pray tell Jane



You are cruel to fairies

Cruel to fairies

How can I be cruel to fairies

Yes they the irritate the crap out of me

Wearing such ridiculous fashions

They are not real men

Stan stop there

I am sorry I trust I have not upset you

Far from it

I have written fairy stories for bump

Stan a moment

This is a perfect beer garden in a perfect Gloucestershire village and with luck we will be able to live here

I am so happy

But there is one thing that I hate about you

What is that

I am all ears

It is your habit of placing lightly stained cups in the sink and filling them with hot water and fairy liquid

I dread looking in the sink

I hate it as much as you hate looking at effeminate men

It makes my skin crawl

Do you know how much Fairy Liquid costs now

No should I

It is jolly expensive

Bloody Hell I never knew that

Fuck Wittgenstein

Fuck Nietzsche

Fuck all philosophers

Now that I know that Fairy Liquid has increased in price

Two and Two will always equal four no matter what other idiots say

It is so set in stone

I know where you are going Stan

New rule

Nice Stan in Gloucestershire

Confine the other Stan to our London apartment

Do you agree

What are you doing Stan

I am writing a short poem on the napkin

It is okay not to be okay

But it is better to be okay

As okay is better

Than not okay

Stan you can be such a cunt but you are a caring cunt

I am a shrew

You are not a shrew

Baby brain I am sorry

Stop there Jane

We should never apologise to each other

Rule One

What is Rule Two

To buy a different type of washing up liquid

A cheaper brand

It will be Fairy Stan

And you can fill up the whole fucking bowl with the stuff

Your cups will be cleaner than a nuns thoughts

And who knows you might find that you will grow to tolerate fairies

There is no chance of that

God is not pleased

Your round Stan

Only a soft drink Jane as I do not want the bump getting pissed

We might have to hurry Stan


Because we are within a hour of our train

Not a problem


Because I have just booked The Rose

We will travel back tomorrow

Before we go I will buy you some Fairy Liquid

Two bottles

All for you

You will able to soak your cups

While you watch the trains