Pure Love

Good Morning Josie

Do you realise that we are criminals and could be sanctioned

We are I believe breaking the law

Technically we could be kept apart and forbidden to comunicate with each other

It is an odd state of affairs

As many other relationships are not frowned upon

Even though some might be seen as bestial

Yesterday whilst in Bath I noticed two women of tender years

Holding hands in the Abbey Square which seemed quite normal to me

They later shyly kissed in a quiet street nearby tenderly and without exhibition

Although I was not really that interested I found this rather beautiful and was not offended at all

The reason is that most women are bisexual that is plain to see

Gentle borders are often crossed

They are very different to men

I know that you agree with this as you have indicated that you do

This said a few hours later when I was in London I saw a few men holding hands in the street which instantly offended me

And worse was to come as when passing through Soho I was two men who to be truthful were extravagantly dressed kissing each other under the shade of a tree

It instantly made be feel nauseous and I felt dirty and soiled

I hate to say this but if a Neanderthal had shown up and had begun to attack them then I would not have interfered as I would have thought that they had brought it on themselves and you know how much I abhor violence

Am I a monster Josie

Is your gentle and well read brother a monster

Or am I just a normal man

Some might say that our relationship is perverted and disgusting

Which it is not

It is just that I have found that although we live apart

That you are my life partner

Even though we share the same blood

We are both aware of the problems with issue but that is our cross

To me you are the most beautiful women I have ever seen

I have found none better

We live and meet quietly without theatre as if invisible

But we are I strongly believe breaking the law

It is an odd situation is it not


Unedited Joe