Ghosts in the Sky (part one)

In November 1934 there were reports of strange lights

In the night sky high above the Norfolk Broads

It was reported in the Daily Mail but aroused little interest

I was certainly not aware of it when I moved to Wroxham

With my wife just over ten years ago

Jan having been an only child had inherited her fathers shop

It had been trading poorly for a number of years

And had actually been closed for six months before Tony died

We had always wanted to get out of London

As the price of properties were out of our reach

It was a golden opportunity to reinvent ourselves

We decided to revive the shop and attempt

To pick up the passing tourist trade in the summer

Ours was a jack of all trades shop selling all manner of things

And to our great surprise the whole venture took off

As within a couple of years we were part of the fabric of the area

On of our customers was an odd fellow named Darius Stephens

Who although rather abrupt was very knowledgeable

About the history of the area around the Broads

And it was Darius who gave me a church magazine

That contained a short article about the strange lights

It had been written in 1971 by a Carol Ennis-Jones

And described how her mother when was just a child

Was woken up night after night by what she described

As hordes of screaming skulls flying past her bedroom window

These skulls contained eyes and viper tongues and terrified the child

At the time it was dismissed as hysteria and dismissed

There were other reports locally but these differed from the child

Being a progressive church magazine it questioned the sightings

But obviously came down on the side of the Church

Giving a message that there are things that God only understands

It was as I was looking at a grainy black and white photograph

That I realised that the house where this had occurred was our shop

Obviously there had been alterations and the lane to the airfield

Was no longer there having been turned into a nature reserve

The horse trough could be seen although it is now full of flowers

There was still a sense of the flat lands of the area and the huge skies

In the following weeks I made light enquiries about Carol Ennis-Jones

But drew a blank as neither Carol or her mother were well remembered

Darius did mention however that the family moved from the area in 1990

Without even a whisper which shocked the community and especially the church

He did not have any information about her mother as no records existed