Camus et Joe

Albert Camus was born

Into a poor working class family 

His father who was barely literate 

Worked as an agricultural labourer in a vineyard 

He was killed at the first Battle of the Marne 

Camus always felt the absurdity of his pointless death 

I personally would refuse to fight if my country was at war

Not that I am a coward far from it but because of the absurd nature of war

This is how it goes one is lets say in a foreign field 

Charging towards an enemy trench when a sniper kills you 

The said sniper has no quarrel with you 

But he has still blown your brains out 

Or if in reverse you kill an enemy soldier 

You surprise him and use your bayonet and he dies at your feet 

In another life you might have met him whilst travelling abroad 

A friendship might have been formed 

That is the absurdity of war 

Camus once said 

A death in a car crash is absurd because a car crash is objectively meaningless

He died in car accident in 1960 

I wonder if he appreciated the irony of his death 

When I was nineteen I was involved in a serious car crash  

The driver was very seriously injured and never worked again 

Not only did I survive the accident but I was totally uninjured 

People at the time said that it was God's will 

Whereas others said that this is the same God 

Who in time would watch us all die 

We are all on Death Row having committed no crime 

I find this really absurd 

But for some reason do not question it 

I will not fly as I do not feel in control 

That is as absurd as feeling comfortable 

On high speed trains or on ships at sea 
