Joe Fucks the World (Part One)

What is like to be a poet Joe

I am not a poet

God is a poet

And he shares his talent with me

People think that you

Live above your station

That is impossible

As my town

Does not have a station

It has never had a station

That is not a serious answer Joe

It was not a serious question

You once said that you do not write using inks

That is correct

You say that you write

Using the perfumes of the world

That is correct

Do you not think that is pretentious


Many people think it is pretentious

Many ugly people think that they are beautiful

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

That is false

If there is beauty

Then ugliness exists

Joe you are seen as an unlikable person

Does that not worry you



Because I am a very likeable person

I received a letter a year ago

From a girl named Dram

She lived in Argentina

She asked how she might become a poet

Did you answer her letter


What was your answer

I sent her a blank sheet of paper

That was cruel Joe

No I was teaching her to think and see

That is all you need apart from a belief in God

Did she understand your answer


She is now my muse

Her poetry is greater than mine

Why is that

If I knew the answer to that

I am concluding this interview Elana

Why have I insulted you

Not at all

I just want you to start writing poetry

You are very gifted

Thank you Joe

On the table near the door

Is a copy of my book

Joe Fucks the World (Part One)

I have signed it for you

And so has God