
Do you want to exchange secrets

You first

No you

Okay then

When I was delivering papers one morning

I saw one of my teachers naked

He or she


Did she know


What did you do

Not much

I felt that I was invading her private space

What was her name

Miss Clarke

Miss Honor Clarke

Tall with raven hair

Possibly of Mediterranean heritage


Did she have a nice figure


What colour was her bush

What do you think

Did you feel guilty

Yes and no

She was my history teacher and each time I had a lesson

I thought of her without clothes

That figures

Did you fantasise about her

What do you think

Before I ask you your secret how did you know her name

What do you think

I do not have a clue

Look at me

What colour is my hair


I can assure you that it is natural

My family originated in Malta

You still have not answered my question

Think about it

No idea

Miss Honor Clarke is my mother

Do you not think that I resemble her

Many do

Really Rupert you can be so maddening

Now I come to think about it I can see the resemblance

About time

Is you mother still a teacher


She grew tired of teaching

She and Daddy run a small souvenir shop in Wells

Has she changed

Against what

My memories of her

I do not share your memories

She is still a very beautiful woman

That is nice

This is where you should say

Like Mother

Like Daughter

You are married Lucia

So what you are my friend



I think we have strayed

It was a game of secrets

I told you my secret

What is yours

I think you already know Rupert