
On my wall opposite the river window

I have a small painting of a woman

With raven hair and raven eyes

I have no idea who she is

But my father has told me

That we are distantly related to her

I am sometimes referred to

As a Roma Poet

Which is not true

I do come from Romani stock

And I can trace relatives of Armenian blood

But I lay no claim to be a Romani poet

When I was younger my grandfather

Told me about the Armenian Genocide

And asked me to promise never to visit Turkey

Until the painful truth is laid totally bare

I have had opportunities to visit this country

Mainly on business but also for pleasure

But I have honoured my promise

This has brought me into conflict at times

With those of little or no character

In certain ways I would like to know

This mysterious woman’s name

She has a haunted look on her face

As if she has seen too much of life

I would like to listen to her stories

So that I might share them with others

Through my thoughts and my poetry