Without Beauty

I was in Canterbury recently

When I saw the fattest woman

That I had ever seen

Seriously she was fat

I was wondering if anybody

Had ever fucked her

That is cruel Joe

In a way I thought it might

To be really honest

Have been physically impossible

Was she beautiful Joe

Far from it

Was the city beautiful on the day of your visit

It was dreamy and quite beautiful

All summer dresses and hot swirling breezes

Beauty has no obvious uses Joe

Nor is there any cultural necessity for it


Spot on

Do you agree with this

Your friend Geraldine showed me her tattoo

Geraldine is a very beautiful woman

But I thought the tattoo ugly

What would you have thought if the fat woman

Had a beautiful tattoo

It is likely that I would have had trouble seeing it


Two reasons

Firstly her rolls of fat would have hidden it

And secondly she had a dark skin

Which would have inhibited inspection

Do you like my tattoo Joe



Because my likeness is just above your pubic fringe

It is a very personal position

Which receives no visitors except me

Beautiful sister beautiful twin beautiful tattoo

You are so full of shit Joe

Your enigmatic statement challenges me

To delve into the profound role that beauty plays

In my life and in society in general

You are still full of shit Joe

You are drowning in shit

Who do you consider the most beautiful Joe

Geraldine or Josephine

That is a difficult question Josie as you are fair

And Geraldine has the complexion of ravens

That is because she is Greek and I am English

You are both very beautiful I cannot choose

It like comparing blue with red

It is impossible

In certain ways I feel sorry for you Joe


Without Beauty the World is Nothing

Who said that

It is connected to my poetry

It is an empty statement

Because you see no further than beauty

You lust after beauty

You cannot exist without beauty

I have seen you cry because of the beauty you witness

But have you ever considered what is beyond beauty

I would consider it to be a nothingness

Nietzsche’s abyss

The fat woman might have had the sweetest of natures

Have you considered that

