
How are you Joe

I am feeling like shit


I had the fucking flu jab

You were singing about Berlin

I often sing about Berlin


Yesterday I went to Sandgate

I found my parents old house

In the High Street

They left it in 1909

It was much the same as I remembered it

A rather beautiful woman was painting a wall

She was painting the wall green

It is the colour of mermaids

I gave her a video in a jiffy bag

She kissed me on the cheek



Did she have a video machine


But she had a collection of teapots

Was it a video nasty

Video nasty

Yes such as faggots being anally raped by wild beasts

No it was a recording of the storms that hit Sandgate some years ago

Did your parents like the video



Are you wearing a bra Josie


I can see your nipples

You have dark nipples

What has that to do with this conversation Joe


Why did our parents not like the video

Because they no longer live in the house

They moved some years ago

Was the beautiful woman wearing a bra

I could not tell as she was wearing a sweater

Was she more beautiful than me

I think you know the answer to that question


Because she is your sister

Our sister

Do I have another sister


I have never noticed that

Who do you think she was

Mrs Robson who lives at number twenty-eight

You have fucked her Joe

You have fucked all your sisters


I do not have a sister named Berlin

What about Berlin

I am going to Berlin tomorrow

Are you


You are not well Joe

I know

Berlin is more fun when you are not well

What do you like about Berlin

The rent boys

That surprises me Joe


Because you hate faggots

You do not think that they are real men

I have purchased a red dress

Are you going to wear it

It is too big for me

Then I shall wear it on my trip

It is likely that you will be attacked or even killed

If there is anything real men dislike more than fags

It is men who wear dresses as they are so fucking perverted

There is a camera is pointing directly toward a source of light

Come again Joe

The camera is pointing directly toward a source of light

Are you trying to say that they are fetishists

Yes I am still rather confused

We had one visit the leisure centre

It changed with us

Its name was Sarah

Did you mind



Because it turned me on

Was it hard


What did you do

What do I normally do when I get wet

Dry yourself


Very much it was a borderline twelve

What happened to Sarah

I rang you

Oh yes

I do not think it will be visiting the leisure centre again


Because the disabled facilities are poor



Why do you have you such an attraction to rent boys

Because I like the sea

Josie is confused

Rent boys in my world are faggots who sell their bodies and spread disease

Joe is confused

In my world they are navigational aids often illuminated that you see at sea

The authorities in their wisdom rent them out to Joe’s like me


Because I like the sea and its navigational aids

Mine is called Richard

It is popular name in the world of navigational aids

Why did you not name it after me

Because it has very pale nipples unlike you

Navigational aids do not have nipples

Nor do they wear gossamer shirts

They do

You are delirious Joe

I am worried about my flu jab Joe

I do not want to grow wings

I want you to complete this poem Joe


Because it will be banned


Because you are taking aim with a faulty scatter gun

As you often do

You upset people

Fuck them

This poem ends now Joe

Sit down and close your eyes

I can close my eyes standing up

Sit down and you will dream sweet dreams

Dreams about late summer roses

That are still bright in Oktober


No Oktober