Salt Lake City 2

Chance was a very successful singer

Who accompanied by his girlfriend Sis

Became Salt Lake City 2

The duo burned brightly for just over three years

Before they both disappeared over the Amazon

When flying to a mystery gig in Brazil in 1998

They were both very small in stature

And Sis become noted for her oversized sloppy vests

Which soon became her trademark and were much imitated

Chance was always immaculate in his sharp grey suits

Which again were much imitated by their loyal fans

I am Spiderman their final album is still popular today

And for a while after their disappearance this album was found boxed

In large quantities in places such as Reykjavík Auckland and Shanghai

It was also widely reported that the Sis Vests were found hanging from power lines

In a number of cities in Russia

And then it stopped

Nothing further was reported

Until last week when the lyrics from I am Spiderman and Catcus Blue West

Were found to have been added to the new edition

Of Christopher Marlowe’s Complete Poems and Translations

The publishers Sandwich Rock have no idea how they were added

It is said that this is all a very elaborate practical joke

And that Chance and Sis are still alive and living anonymously in South America

But at the time of their disappearance they were world famous and easily recognised

In the past few hours I am also hearing that some of the duos stage gear has been stolen

From the Museum of Rock in Salt Lake City Two