Animal Farm

I met a chap named George Merrow

In the library yesterday

He had just been released from prison

You might remember him

He made front page news a few years back

As he walked into an abattoir

And instructed them to stop the slaughter

When this request was refused

He shot four people dead

And hung them from the meat hooks

I asked him if he regretted his actions

He said that what he did was very wrong

Would he do it again

He shook his head

I asked him why

He said that he was very tired

A beaten man without friends

I said that I would be his friend

And that together we could stop

This gruesome trade

The only thing that was wrong

With his original actions

Was that they were too theatrical

I said that it was sensible to aim high

And assassinate the owners and the bosses

Let the foot soldiers live

If you decapitate a wild beast

Then its claws are rendered useless

It was then that I saw his eyes brighten

Hide in the plain sight

And I will do the rest

Quietly and with the minimum of fuss

An unknown assailant will strike fear

Like a serial killer in a city

George said that I psychopathic tendencies  

And this scared him a great deal

He then left the library

And vanished into the street