
I woke up this morning

And drowned in my disappointment

The skies were grey

Rain was threatened

The cat was unwell again

And had shit in the rockery

Corbyn had not died

Screaming of cancer

Whilst I slept

The pigs were politicised

And so anally fucking weak

Protests had not been banned

All protests that I disagree with

Should be banned

I saw a homosexual

Enter the greengrocers

Opposite my kitchen

This made me feel sick

As bum bandits and cornflakes

Do not mix in any circumstances

I switched the radio on

And for an hour shit flowed

Taylor Swift

Ed Fucking Sheeran

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Six is a perfect number

You fucking idiots

And then God spoke to me

Move the dial to Radio 27

As Rage of Light are playing Opaque

I promise you that you will like it my only son

As I crawled into town I felt very very happy

The tents of the homeless were blazing well

And adding to the flowing morning mists

Swastikas was being sprayed by Jews

On the railway stations north and south

But then my happiness was shattered

As I suddenly found that I had collapsed

Dying on the steps of a church

Like many before me

How fucking original

Dear Reader

You might think that I am abusing substances

And you would be right

I abuse substances

Otherwise how would I write

Till next time